Haxors-Point.Net Got Hacked by x3o-1337

Bangladeshi Hacker D@rcul@ aka Dark Fox's Hacking Forum  Haxors-Point.Net Got Hacked by Bangladeshi Hacker Code Name x3o-1337 ( 3xpir3 Cyber Army).

D@rcul@ aka Dark Fox member of  Bangladeshi Grey Hats Group..

Hacker Also Hacked there Sub domains...

According to Deface Page...
[#]root@D@rcul@ aka Dark Fox : Your system GoT 0wn3d By x3o-1337 !
[#] Dark Fox HacKed ? xD
[#] Where is the security ?
[#] LOL !

[#] x3o-1337 is Your Father 

[#] Don't Mess Again Kid

[#] Feel The Power Of 3xp1r3 Cyber Army

[#] Contact: Forum.3xp1r3.com